What's cookin, good lookin? #2016LooksGood (and so do you!)

With how wonderful my 2015 turned out to be, I sometimes question how 2016 can keep up. After being asked why I think #2016LooksGood - I had to review the year that was, to look forward to the year that is to come. I feel I’ve grown most these past months - with personal decisions, work life, family, and everything else in between - being done more as an adult than the headless pre-adulthood chicken I once was. Though as most things in life, all is but a forward movement. Here's an attempt to share my 2016 wishlist - a goallist, rather - and I share this to you a few days before finally closing 2015 so we can brace ourselves for a 2016 that just looks so good. (Like you and I.)


From traveling out of Asia (which I’ve never done before), landing my own travel show (I freaked out and cried tears of joy when I found out), to spending more time with family, making more music, and doing more art - this year was just filled with ‘more’. Making myself work more, dream more, and fill my heart up with more love it spills on my toes and overflows.


So here we are - as the past few months breezed through, I lived in the moment and basked in every lesson, memory and adventure, life incessantly threw at me. Today, I want to cast my eyes further and tell you more about why I'm quite excited to finish off this [awesome] year - and tell you more about why my #2016LooksGood. I’m so excited to brave other things I’ve long dreamed of. First on the list is health: it’s a secret project for now, but I want to do something super sporty that I’ve never attempted before; aside from racing cars and wakeboard, this sport just challenges me so much (clue: LOTS of sweating) and I want to be able to [clue] finish strong this 2016. When it comes to my craft -  I promised my best friends I finally will produce that record I’ve always wanted to with my band - soul, jazz, and just a whole lot of blues on stage and off; I'll muster up audacity, and commit to writing the book I’ve long been encouraged to write (but never have made the time, and heart, to) as most of the stuff you see here on the blog, do more of the outreaches and volunteering that I've led in the past 3 years but not really took too seriously; and maybe, just maybe, now that I am finally brave enough - allow myself to fall in love again. (Naks.) (Pero baka wala naman gusto mag fall in love sakin.) (Anyway.)


But the thing is - as I’ve always told anyone I love - life is all about taking risks and leaps of faith - allowing oneself to be vulnerable, to be passionate - to brave things, situations, people, dreams, and goals - with heart, soul, mind, limbs all laid out. I’ve met too many people in my life that have continuously dragged their feet, talking about what was, and what was supposed to be - and although they may be in a peaceful place, I’d love to be able to say to myself one day that I took risks, and fell in love with life - so much so I failed, faced heartache, hurt those I love (as we all at some point, will) then got back up - stronger, and overcame. 


This is the ultimate adventure: to live the life I’ve always dreamed of living, and inspire others to do the same. #2016LooksGood when we've got the right perspective and power through with grace, beauty, and strength. What’s 2016 looking like, for YOU? Tell me all about it and join in on the conversation by using that hashtag and checking out NIVEA MEN on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.