A life update of some sort

I just got back from my UK summer school trip and been trying to sort my life out when I realised I haven’t actually updated this page for weeks on end now - including, not being able to upload my photo diary about New York - which is quite odd as it’s an item ticked off my bucket list, having traveled there, but then again life gets in the way and I couldn't possibly be happier.


I paused at the last word of that sentence and checked myself (yes, before I wrecked myself) if I truly were happy. The past couple of months have just been about trying to grasp myself more and learn things about the world that surrounds me. It’s been a woozy, to say the least. 


This site isn’t really a blog, I suppose, if I only update it whenever I please or whenever I feel the need to. I guess my transparency will be the death of me. I write when my heart says so, and I stop when it refuses to. Which I guess explains how my chainsaw mind have all of a sudden turned brittle with a slight stutter, but that's alright.


My words are yours as they come and go, but at the very least you’ll always know that it is what it is and nothing less, and no more. This page will be filled with some of the adventures I have long waited to share with you, I promise. And I will tell you about New York, and then Oxford, and I will tell you about the beaches in between these two biting cold visits, and I will tell you about how twenty three changed me, and I will write about how I have always longed to be more. 


Because my heart, as potent as it may be, runs weary sometimes and fails to give as much as it wishes to; but here I am now, trying my very hardest to remind you and I both that what truly matters at the end of the day is what we leave behind when our bodies are to find rest and be laid back to the ground where it once came from.


See you soon, and I hope you are well.


With love and for love,

