Posts tagged travel
Joyce to the World: New York 2017

I miss this place often and dream about going back the minute I step into the airport aiming to catch my flight back to Manila. If I had the chance to fly to anywhere else in the world right now, I’ll probably pick New York. And it’s not just because my best friend lives in one of the coolest boroughs in town and I could easily crash her apartment (and probably not have to worry about rent for maybe 6 months before she kicks me out), or because I met Tom Hiddleston there the first time I went (and probably will see him again if I seek intently enough). It’s because New York City, out of all the places in the world (yes, I’m sorry, I love my country, but even Manila -) makes me feel most like myself. 

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Joyce to the World: London and Edinburgh

Forgive me. I haven't written about anything I loved as much as this, ever since my heart got broken (which, I truly believe, will have to be my first ever heartbreak as a grown ass woman in her early twenties, capable of loving and leaving whenever she pleased, but apparently incredibly incapable of letting go of people who don’t love her enough to diminish their pride, break down their walls, overpower their inhibitions so love may overcome…but that’s for a whole different discussion - ) so I am thrilled - ecstatic, to share with you my newfound love for the UK. Vivat! Vivat Regina!

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Cambodia Photo Diary 2

Dear Interwebz,

I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've been in here. Quite disappointing, really, as much as I love writing and taking photos and catering to my art, I hardly do it anymore as I'm trying to figure out so many things that have been going on in my life, consequently making it difficult to devote the time to fill these blank pages. But here is a swoosh at it, hopefully it helps start an avalanche of content.

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