5 Tips to Feel More Confident in Front of a Big Crowd

As we increasingly adjust to the new normal, public speeches are once again becoming common. In fact, you yourself might have even been asked to speak at an event on Zoom or in person! And if the thought makes you nervous, don't worry; you're not alone. Roughly 75% of the human population suffers from glossophobia or the fear of public speaking. Thankfully, these five tips can help increase your confidence — both before and during your big event.

Prepare what you want to say

One surefire way to reduce your nervousness is to prepare everything you're going to talk about beforehand. After all, making a full script guarantees you won't get lost during your speech. However, if you want to be more natural and charismatic, a bullet outline can help you make room for improvisation.

Practice in front of a mirror

Mirrors can help you refine your body language, enhancing how confident you appear. Recording yourself can also help you spot and fix any speech issues. As an added bonus, the timestamp on the recording can help you practice bringing your point across within the time given to you.

Don't be too harsh on yourself, though. You're bound to be more nitpicky than the audience, focusing on minor flaws they may never even notice. Instead, try uplifting yourself with some positive self-talk. As coach Lyqa Maravilla once said on Adulting with Joyce Pring: “Remind yourself that as long as you’re healthy, happy, and you’re doing your best, that’s okay.”

Relax the night before

Much like studying for an exam, stressing over your speech the night before won't do you any good. Instead, take a break! That way, you'll wake up the next morning refreshed and ready to tackle anything that comes your way.

Fancy up

Aside from the fact that you might want to make a good impression on your audience, dressing well in general can boost your self-esteem significantly. After all, when you love the way you look, you'll be more confident in your body image and how other people perceive you.

You can accomplish this in different ways, like getting a haircut, buying the right clothes or make-up, or even whitening your teeth! Having a smile on your face can really help with your mood, as it tells your brain to release endorphins, a feel-good hormone. And you don’t have to go to the dentist for this, either — the best teeth whitening products, like Crest 3D White Whitestrips and the Smile Direct Club Teeth Whitening Kit, are affordable and easily available online. You'll even see results in as early as an hour, and the effects will last for days (if not weeks).

Overall, the better you feel, the more poised you'll be to give your best!

Have attitude

Of course, having a full-blown script and wearing the best smart casual attire, like ASOS' range of petite tops, won't be enough if you don't convince your audience that you're not confident. Plus, by having the right attitude, it'll be easy to convince yourself that you're confident, too! That said, remember to stand tall and make eye contact with the camera or with audience members during your speech.

And don't fidget! Small movements, like nervously twisting your hands, are obvious signs of nervousness. Be conscious of the gestures you make, and instead move your hands to emphasize your arguments. Even stopping for a dramatic pause can help effectively bring your point across, though this should be done sparingly.

Finally, don't panic. Speak slowly and clearly. Remember: You were invited to speak for a reason, you've prepared for this, and you've got this in the bag. If all else fails, you can always resort to imagining everyone in their underwear.

Article from Diana J. Stover

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