How to be a Career Changer During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Making a career change, especially late in life, is a life-altering decision. But this year was already a life-altering moment because of the COVID-19 pandemic. So, it would help if you tried to make the transition as smoothly as possible.  

You have to make sure that changing your career is what you want. And if you are sure, then don't be afraid because of everything that is going on. Start learning and take the plunge. Below is some advice to help you on your journey.

Be Sure of Your Motives

The COVID-19 pandemic hit our society unexpectedly, and it changed everything in our day-to-day life. The new normal means a different way of working, interacting with others, shopping, and even entertainment. We think about the thing we can no longer do and have a constant reminder everywhere that life, as we knew it, has changed. 

This has brought a lot of feelings that we may not be prepared to deal with. Anxiety, stress, and uncertainty are just some. And many people have to work from home and aren't going back to the office any time soon. All these things add up to make us feel frustrated and like our lives are out of our control.

Therefore, make sure you think everything through to make the right decision to change careers. Make sure it’s not just because of the current situation spurred by the pandemic. You may be in an emotional state that doesn't let you think clearly. Make sure you make the change for the right reasons.

What Do You Expect of Your New Career?

When making the change, you have to search deep into yourself to discover the right path for you. Most people decide on a profession based on what they like to do, how much money they want to make, or the purpose they've chosen for their lives. 

You have to ask yourself all these questions to be able to narrow your options. What are you passionate about? Do you care about the money? Or do you prefer your job to have a purpose? Do you want a more flexible lifestyle? Do you want to create change in society?

All these questions will help you identify what you expect to get out of your future profession. For example, if you want to create an impact on society, you can choose a tech career. If you specialize in artificial intelligence or blockchain, you could create something that will really change the way the world works. 

Don't Get Discouraged by the Current Situation

The measures the governments around the world took to protect the people from COVID-19 had a direct impact on the economy. In the US alone, the GDP fell at a 32.9% annualized rate, which is the deepest decline since records began in 1947. 

It translates to one of the biggest economic crises since the Great Depression. And thousands of businesses are on the brink of bankruptcy. So, it may not be the best year for a career transition. But if you don't do it now, you will probably keep postponing it. 

Don't get discouraged by the current situation. Instead, take control of your career and start planning how you will make the transition. Besides, if you decide on changing into tech, this may be the best moment to do it with all the surge in demand for online tools. 

Research, Research, and Research  

Now, to make an accurate decision, you have to know everything you can about the career options you are considering. So, research until your eyes fall out. 

It will help if you make a list of three to five career choices. They can be from different industries or in the same and just different paths. Whatever you think will fit your current interpersonal skills because you can learn the hard skills one way or another. 

At the end of this research, you should know the answer to the following questions:

  • Which is the entry-level salary?

  • Do you need a bachelor's degree or certification?

  • How many job openings are there?

  • How difficult is it to break into the industry?

You can also do some informational interviews. When you ask a person who works in the profession you are interested in, meet with you and talk, those are informational interviews. You will get the opportunity to know the reality of each career's environment. 

How Will You Afford it?

Another thing you have to plan is how you will afford the career change. By this point, you should have an idea of which career path you want. So, you have to know how you will acquire the qualifications you need. 

Depending on the career, you may need to go to university or get a professional certification. Either option is expensive, and you need to figure out how you will pay tuition and how you will support yourself while you study. 

The cheaper option is enrolling in a coding bootcamp, vocational school, or online course for professional certification. These can cost far less than the traditional education routes.

Also, coding bootcamps have the option of loans, income-sharing agreements, and month-to-month payments to make your learning experience more manageable. 

Career Test

If you read all the steps above and are still at a loss, then maybe you need a little extra help. You can take a career quiz, which asks you different questions to know which personality type are you and which careers will fit you best. 

These quizzes also give you insights into which personality traits are stronger and what your weaknesses are. You will be able to identify how your personality may be interfering with your work and change that behavior. 

In Summary

Making a career change during a pandemic may be the craziest decision of your life. But the most challenging choices are probably the ones that give the best results. So, analyze yourself to make sure this is really what you want. 

Identify what you want out of your new career and research everything about it. Don't let the current situation scare you into staying in a career you hate.

Like everything. this too shall pass.

Article from Artur Meyster of Career Karma

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